7 Signs of Premature Aging

Writer: Wan SofaSyifa
Reviewed by: Fenny Lim, BSc. (Hons) Nutrition, UKM

What is Aging?

Aging is a natural process that happens to your body on a cellular level. Your cells, tissues, and organs change as you age. This can be caused by both external and internal factors, such as;

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Lifestyle
While aging affects your whole body, the skin is one of the easiest and, more often, earliest physical signs of aging. However, aging can also be a sign of health issues, especially if you are experiencing premature aging. Premature aging is a condition where you experience signs of aging before 40. These early signs of aging can be as obvious or subtle as possible, and it’s important to spot them so you can take the first steps toward healing.

The 7 Signs of Premature Aging

Age Spots

Age spots, also known as liver and sun spots, are dark patches on your skin. They can be brown, tan, or black and are caused by long exposure to the sun. However, prematurely having too many age spots can be a sign of skin cancer called melanoma. You should refer to a dermatologist as soon as possible [1] for early detection.

Dry or Itchy Skin

As you age, your skin naturally thins, but premature skin dryness or itchiness can be a sign of skin conditions such as eczema or dehydration. Itchiness can also be some kind of allergic reaction. Normally, you can treat this by doing simple moisturizing routines and drinking plenty of water. But if the condition persists and you start feeling pain, you should consult your doctor immediately [2].

Skin Paleness

It is normal for your skin to lighten up as you reach your fifties or even much later. Cold weather can also make your skin appear paler than usual. You need to seek medical health when your paleness lasts a couple of days and is accompanied by any of these symptoms;
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach pain
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes
These symptoms can be caused by anything from vitamin deficiencies and infections to long-term health conditions like anemia [3].

Hair Loss

Losing hair is an everyday occurrence – but if you start losing hair rapidly without regrowing them, you should start seeing a professional. It can be a sign of an autoimmune disease, a hormone imbalance, or a nutrient deficiency (vitamins or minerals) [4].

Memory Loss

Forgetfulness is a normal condition, and you will experience it more as you grow older, but you might want to start seeing a specialist if you notice you are;

  • Asking repeated questions
  • Misplacing personal items
  • Confused about dates, times, and people
  • Unable to do common daily tasks

It might be a sign of long-term conditions such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early onset of Alzheimer’s [5]. If your memory loss happens after a head trauma, it is best to consult a specialist immediately, as there might be something wrong in your brain because of the trauma, such as bruising or blood clots. 

Easy Bruising

You are more prone to bruising as you age simply because your body naturally starts to slow down, and your blood clotting works slower. If you’re still in your 40s and experience excessive bruising within short periods, you might want to get yourself checked just in case. Easy bruising may indicate a blood disease or other diseases that may cause blood clotting problems [6].

Achy Joints

It’s normal for your joints to ache occasionally – from overexertion, rare use, or even weather changes. Achy joints are also normal as you age, predominantly when you reach your 40s. You can normally relieve this by icing your joints and resting them, but it may be a cause of concern when;

  • The pain increases on a day-to-day basis
  • Your aches and pains last longer than 30-minutes each time
  • It starts to impede your daily activities

You might be facing something more than simple strains or sprains. It might be the beginning of osteoarthritis, bursitis, or other joint-based conditions [7]. While untreatable, you can slow the progression of these conditions, especially if you are diagnosed early on.

Common Ways to Reduce Signs of Aging

Aging is not something that you can stop or reverse. What you should aim for is to reduce the signs of aging. A healthy lifestyle and certain products can reduce, even delay, most signs explored here. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a good night’s sleep all contribute to a healthy lifestyle. As for products, skincare products and dietary supplements are the more popular choices.

Skin care products can help reduce signs of aging on your skin. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and retinol can help regain the skin’s elasticity. On the other hand, some dietary supplements may help with other signs of aging, such as omega-3 supplements and collagen supplements. They help by giving your body the nutrients it needs to function properly or help supplement your body with what it begins to lack as you age.

An example of such products is our own CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA which contains marine collagen, antioxidants, and other nutrients that help reduce the signs of aging. We also offer CellLabs® SK2 Omega, a potent omega-3 with DHA, EPA, and APA.

Reducing aging signs in your body is wholly dependent on what the signs are in the first place, discovering the causes of it, then reducing them properly. For premature aging, it is always best to consult your doctor if the signs are more severe than they should be – they tend to be signals from your body.

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