Frequently Asked Questions
NMN is safe to consume. In the USA, the FDA may classify it as a medicine instead of a supplement for treatment purposes.
CellLabs® ReverAge™ is made of the purest direct NMN, Uthever™. With proven efficacy and safety, this ingredient is the world’s first and only NMN tested in human clinical studies. The formulation is added with green tea extract to boost NAD+ levels.
You can take CellLabs® ReverAge™ as early as your early 20s. CellLabs® ReverAge™ is also safe to be taken with most medication
You can take CellLabs® ReverAge™ any time, but it is best taken in the morning for an added energy boost, preferably on an empty stomach.
Results may vary, but you can usually feel the difference in 2 weeks. Take CellLabs® ReverAge™ daily for long-term benefits.